The purpose

Our Mission.

Our community


Focus on welfare of young people within a position of trust

Our community


Respect the wishes and rights of young people

Our community


Reach out to more young people with diverse background

Our Mission

  • Cultural appreciation and Sensitivity gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures through the medium of art.
  • Legacy Creation have the opportunity to pass down stories, traditions, and skills through art.
  • Strengthened Intergenerational Bonds to gain wisdom and insights from seniors for mutual respect.
  • Broaden artistic horizons, infusing fresh perspectives from awareness of Global Art Trends
  • Engage mental well-being and Therapeutic effect.

From our lovely
community, family & friends.

Legacy Creation have the opportunity to pass down stories, traditions, and
skills through art.

LEGAC is a captivating enclave that weaves together the threads of cultural, historical, and artistic richness. From intimate galleries to lively parades, this community embraces diversity and offers a dynamic tapestry for those seeking a profound connection with heritage and creativity.

Adam Muni

LEGAC stands as a captivating hub where cultural, historical, and artistic facets converge seamlessly. Festivals and events breathe life into the rich heritage, fostering a deep sense of connection. This community serves as a vibrant canvas, inviting all to contribute to its diverse traditions.

Rudi Roja

Bike Enthusiast

LEGAC is a captivating blend of cultural richness and artistic vibrancy. Its events unfold like chapters of a living history book, inviting all to revel in the community's unique heritage. An inclusive haven for creativity, this dynamic enclave fosters a sense of belonging, making it an irresistible destination for those seeking a genuine connection.

Anis Bawes

Bike Enthusiast